Sunday, 22 June 2014

Catastrophe Model Town police constable bit out new glue, Babar, Model Town division stationed in Riyadh

Lahore Catastrophe Model Town in plainclothes fired the pistol in both hands, Dunya TV nameless character is detected, the new glue-bit Model Town division police constable came.

During World Catastrophe Model Town plainclothes fired pistol in both hands brought the anonymous role.

The world of television, according to anonymous sources in the Model Town division police constable and his name is Riaz Baber. Riaz Babar police so ugly stain that has been repeatedly arrested and jailed at the robberies has been cut,

but the police left the glue bit Asherah police officers escaping punishment every time it is accessed. Riaz Baber Model Town pistol in both hands during operation engaged in covert operations and his brothers own petty grievances receive been paid. Dunya News that police have uncovered a squalid character, it is seen that the higher authorities to take action.

Catastrophe Model Town police constable bit out new glue, Babar, Model Town division stationed in Riyadh

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