Wednesday, 25 June 2014

In the Netherlands, the 11th annual exhibition of Pakistani mango

Karachi: Trade Development Authority of Pakistan and the Pakistani Embassy in the Netherlands in collaboration with Pakistani mango 11th annual exhibition was held.

Sndry exhibition, cunsa, Begin pod, gold and other famous uraytyz were on display and participants were introduced to the flavors of mango, mango shake for this purpose, mango lassi, mango ice cream and mango cubes participants from were served. Pakistani mango aroma and flavor of the exhibition participants termed the Great Book of Pakistanis expressed a keen interest.

Exhibit 6 companies stall while Japan, Senegal, Turkey, India, Spain, the United Arab Emirates and other countries, diplomats and commercial atasyz also attended the exhibition, the exhibition Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Dutch Development Organization CBI, P. U of M, including the fruit sector, including large multi-national companies, special fruit, Total aygaztks, attended by AZ import, trade visitors attending the exhibition, importers of Pakistani companies held meetings with the business.

In the Netherlands, the 11th annual exhibition of Pakistani mango

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